My life has changed in big ways from what I thought would be- just another trip. My experiences in Japan were anything but just another trip. I thankful to JFMF, the Japanese Government and my local prinicpal and school system for allowing me the opportunity to experience this priceless experience. I have grown into a better person and educator as a result of my experiences. Simply, I was a student immersed into a foreign land.
In my short time in Japan I developed a strong sense of appreciation for their rich culture and diversity. I hope you will read my blog and view the pictures and see why I feel like such a great oak who started out like as a mere little acorn!
This is awesome! I am so touched by your exquisite photos. Thank you for sharing this memorable experience as seen through your eyes. It was a fantastic journey.
Mr. Freeman,
I agree with Maggie. That was an "awesome" experience you had. I greatly appreciate the time you took to share it. You have encouraged me to go on. I do have a couple of questions. Did you get your teaching licensure in undergrad? Right now I am getting my undergrad in International Studies but I want to teach. I just can't decide if I want to teach in NC after getting my Master's or go to Japan. I was thinking about teaching students from low income families or just minorities. When you went to Japan, did you do research of some sort? I am just trying to find my way. I appreciate your comments.
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