Friday, October 19, 2007

Funky Fashions Harajuka Style

I was ready for another adventure~ learning to ride the Subway system in Tokyo. Before I grabbed my map I picked up a handkerchief because I had discovered that in many public restrooms there are not paper towels or dryers provided to dry your hands. So I wanted to be prepared. We ventured out and did well learning to ride the subway. It was very easy to follow along with the map and match the Japanese names for each stop.

First stop was Harajuku. This is where the fashionable teenage culture hang-out. The hot spot is Takeshita Dori or Takeshita Street. My first impression was a throw back to the 1980's. I saw many girls that reminded me of Cyndi Lauper. Unusual hair styles and multi hair colors, mismatched clothing and overaccessorizing. I must credit this teens for their confidence and originality. Of course, I had to take a few pictures with the Harajuku teens myself! On Sunday, many teens gather around Harajuku Station and parade around in their unbelievebale costumes.

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