Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Chiri mo tsumoreba yama to naru.

Chiri mo tsumoreba yama to naru is an ancient Japanese proverb that means, "Great oaks from little acorns grow."

My life has changed in big ways from what I thought would be- just another trip. My experiences in Japan were anything but just another trip. I thankful to JFMF, the Japanese Government and my local prinicpal and school system for allowing me the opportunity to experience this priceless experience. I have grown into a better person and educator as a result of my experiences. Simply, I was a student immersed into a foreign land.

In my short time in Japan I developed a strong sense of appreciation for their rich culture and diversity. I hope you will read my blog and view the pictures and see why I feel like such a great oak who started out like as a mere little acorn!


Maggie said...

This is awesome! I am so touched by your exquisite photos. Thank you for sharing this memorable experience as seen through your eyes. It was a fantastic journey.

Shante said...

Mr. Freeman,
I agree with Maggie. That was an "awesome" experience you had. I greatly appreciate the time you took to share it. You have encouraged me to go on. I do have a couple of questions. Did you get your teaching licensure in undergrad? Right now I am getting my undergrad in International Studies but I want to teach. I just can't decide if I want to teach in NC after getting my Master's or go to Japan. I was thinking about teaching students from low income families or just minorities. When you went to Japan, did you do research of some sort? I am just trying to find my way. I appreciate your comments.
